Friday, October 21, 2016

Dragon Age: Redemption

This six-part web series takes place in the Dragon Age setting, a game by Bioware. The story follows Tallis (Felicia Day), an elfin assassin who serves the Qunari. As any good female character in a fantasy setting, what armor she wears clings nicely to her curves. She wields a pair a short swords and is a talented tracker; might be a ranger? Oddly enough, elves are a slave race in this world that is mostly dominated by the humans of the Chantry and Kossith of the Qunari. The Kossith are 7 foot tall gray humanoids with horns and white hair. Free elves are called Dalish and keep to themselves. Mages are hated by both sides and, when not killed, are imprisoned or enslaved by each side.

The story begins with a Kossith mage - Saarebas (Doug Jones) - escaping the Chantry prison. The Qunari learn of this and want Saarebas captured to serve the Qunari. Tallis is chosen for the task. She trails another escapee and learns from him where Saarebas is bound. She also learns that she is not the only one tracking the mage.

Cairn, a Templar of the Chantry, is trailing the escaped mage as well. Templar seems rather like paladin which is a pretty good description for Cairn. He has powers that appear magical - which is odd in this magic-hating society - but they are not explained. Perhaps this is clerical vs. wizard magic. Also, they look to be associated with his equipment; perhaps his gear is enchanted.

Though they start as adversaries, Tallis and Cairn eventually ally until the mage is subdued. They agree to duel to see who gets the mage at that point. In a Dalish village, they pick up an elf mage named Josmael - who causes Cairn considerable consternation; mages must be killed or imprisoned. Lastly they capture one of Saarebas' mercenaries, a woman named Nyree. Nyree is a reaver, the barbarians of the setting, and she gladly signs on with the band when gold is poured in her hand. With the party complete, the heroes engage in a tavern brawl before meeting the villain in an epic battle.

The production value is a shade below Xena but not bad. The acting is okay. The weakest character was probably Cairn who looked a bit too shiny in his armor. He should have been more brooding and angry. His plate armor that lacked a helmet or even a chain mail coif was jarring. All in all, a fun series that gives a glimpse of a rich campaign world.
I have never played any of the Dragon Age games and have no idea how well the series reflects it, if at all.  Felicia Day is famed for her other web series, The Guild.  That is comic gold for any who have invested time in online gaming.

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