Saturday, October 15, 2016

Solomon Kane (movie)

The story opens late in the Elizabethian period with our hero, the Dread Pirate Solomon Kane (James Purefoy), sacking some Saracen stronghold of Devil Worshipers. It proves to be a catastrophe where Kane is the sole survivor. Next we see him, he is hidden away in a monastery trying to undo his evil past tough knowing he is doomed to hell.

The mood of Kane is in keeping with Robert Howard's vision but the events are not. England is being conquered by some dark lord who corrupts people with his touch, thereby creating bloodthirsty and fearless soldiers for his further conquests. Oddly, Queen Elizabeth seems to be taking no action whatsoever to fight. If she is, we never see it. No, Solomon, who has taken a vow of pacifism, must save the day. Well, the pacifism does not last, thankfully. Eventually, Kane finds the source of the villainy and fights the devil he escaped at the Saracen stronghold.

This movie is supposed to be the origin story, built on what little is revealed of Kane's past in the various stories. I found it mostly disappointing. Kane's unlikeliest adventures - which this would certainly be - all took place in darkest Africa, a place still outside of history. Setting the story in England during the final years of Elizabeth or the early years of James was silly.

Mostly laughable. Very disappointing.
Having read all the stories in anticipation of the movie, I was particularly disappointed.  The makers would have been far better served had they just adapted one of the actual Solomon Kane adventures for the screen rather than invent this disaster.

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