Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Korath - Dawn of Darkness

This web series opens in the world of Korath with a rogue escaping from a prison that is populated by incompetent guards.  Next, we meet a rather tall dwarf with a Gandalf pipe and a huge warhammer.  He hears someone off the forest trail and demands that he show himself.  Suddenly, the escaped rogue has a blade held to the dwarf's beard and insists on gold.  The dwarf gives up some gold but, when the rogue moves to take it, the dwarf makes his move.  A battle commences.  Though the dwarf gets the better of the rogue, he doesn't finish him.  "I could use a man like you."  He offers more gold for the rogue to help him track down a band of brigands who slaughtered his people, including his family.  The rogue accepts.  The duo next meet a sorceress who has been attacked by the very band the dwarf seeks.  She joins them on their quest.  Though the heroes succeed in finding the remaining members of the brigands and reclaiming the stolen items, it is clear that some villain was behind them and that villain has grand plans.
It is a low budget show with mediocre acting.  I found the dwarf rather plaintive, his voice reminding me a lot of Daniel Day-Lewis in Last of the Mohicans.  Yeah, that is an unusual accent for a dwarf.  However, he is clearly the central character, at least to this point.  The fight choreography is no better than the acting.  The fights last much too long and consist mostly of telegraphed blows and easy parries.  Even so, I enjoyed it and look forward to any further episodes that may come.

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