Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Mira and Mara are twins, born to the villainous Traigon who must sacrifice his firstborn to the goddess Caligara. The wizard Krona grants the sisters great power when they are newborns, imbuing them so that they are 'The Two who are One.' This later figures in the girls being able to synchronize their combat moves and be aware of where the other is when they are separated (it's like a built in locate person). This is used to awkward comic effect when one is having sex and the other feels it. Uh huh. Well, this is a Roger Corman production so that sort of thing is to be expected. Along the way, Baldar the Viking, Pando the Satyr, and Erlick the Barbarian join the sisters.

The world is a bizarre mishmash that doesn't fit together well. Filmed in Mexico, it is not surprising that there is an Aztec quality to set design and even a Mayan influence to the calendar. Baldar, who is a stereotypical Viking, shows up with a 'Babylonian' sword that has been specially made to be stronger than iron. He describes the technique: it's a steel sword. So, steel is just arriving. Though not in common use at the time, steel dates back 4,000 years. Certainly by the time of the Vikings, steel swords were expensive but hardly unique. In addition to the Satyr (whose only word is 'bahhh') from Greek myth, we have some ape men who haunt a misty forest, undead in the catacombs, a deity named Veetal who looks like a cross between a lion, and a centaur, and Caligara who appears to be a woman with half of her face looking reptilian and the other half normal. Yes, it is an odd setting.

It is not by chance that Playboy models were recruited to the film. There are plenty of times when the entirely immodest twins strip down for no particular reason. There is also a scene at a brothel with more hardly-clad women displaying their wares. Heck, there is even a scene with Erlick stripped down.

The movie title makes no sense. There isn't a sorceress in the film. According to the IMDB trivia, Corman gave a list of titles to some college students and "Sorceress" got the most votes. The script may have been assembled in a similar fashion. Here is a film that aspired to be mediocre and fell short. Even so, I got a laugh watching it.
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