Saturday, October 15, 2016


A Russian movie that claims 'Conan the Barbarian meets Lord of the Rings." Well, that's a big claim. The movie opens as a remake of Conan the Barbarian. Wolfhound's father is a blacksmith forging a sword, he fights the invaders who descend on the village and dies. Wolfhound's mother is killed and then he is sent as a slave to the mines. Very original.

Wolfhound is determined to avenge his tribe's slaughter. However, he finds his path of revenge strewn with helpless people in need of his aid. There's the slave girl, the blind man, the enslaved scholar, the princess who is marked for death, and the bat that cannot fly. Add to this the ghostly spirit that appears to tell him that love rules the world or something to that effect. It is hard to pursue vengeance with all these obstacles.

Over two hours long, the movie drags a lot. There is no subtlety in the story telling, especially where Princess Helen is involved. "Lest you didn't catch that, let us show you the princess's huge ring. Oh, we better have it sparkle to really highlight it." Even the blind man would have seen that.

I did like that the magic was inexplicable and not consistent with anything I had seen before. There was the sword that sent a blast of wind with each stroke, the magic sparkly dust for healing, and the curse that left the town of Galirad in perpetual winter. Of course, there is also the inexplicable spirit with her exhortations on love.

As luck would have it, the last target of Wolfhound's revenge also happens to be seeking the Princess's death. Thus, the epic battle at the end has Wolfhound saving the girl, killing the villain, and banishing an unleashed stone tornado goddess with a 50' long light saber. Yes, that does come to pass.

Not great but certainly watchable.

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