Saturday, October 15, 2016

Legend of Bill

Sometime last year (2010), I stumbled upon this web comic and have been stuck since then. It is generally goofy but there is a running storyline. Our hero is a former castle accountant who decides he needs to pursue his dream of being a barbarian. With Frank, his dragon companion, he wanders aimlessly. Luckily, he meets Princess Gina, the classic babe in bikini armor; she also has pink hair! The Dark Queen Vasheeva - also a hot chick clad in bikini garb - has plans for Bill, which leads to a love triangle. Sort of.

Though most of the strips are just silly sketches, the big picture has gotten more complicated as the comic has progressed. Not as complicated as Goblins, but certainly involved. The art work is far superior to Order of the Stick, though the humor isn't really D&D related.

There are two mini strips that intertwine with the Legend of Bill.

1. The Gnome Syndicate: This evolved from the artists inclusion of a gnome in many strips (sort of a Where's Waldo bit). It has since been learned that a gnome follows Bill to keep an eye on him and report. However, the gnomes are supposed to remain hidden from their subject. Though an interesting idea, the strip barely achieves amusing. Sometimes reminds me of Dilbert office silliness only with gnomes and pixies.

2. Barwench Tales: Early on, Bill spent a good deal of time in taverns and thus annoyed many a barwench. It turns out that most patrons annoy the barwench and she's not afraid to show her displeasure.  Sarah the Barwench proves to be more impressive than one would expect.
I have since stopped reading Bill though the strip is still going.  David Reddick, the original artist/writer, didn't update as frequently and finally handed the series to a lesser artist.  Plus, the story was taking its sweet time getting anywhere.

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